
All you should know of Cisco

Recently, IT certification has attracted more and more attention, and many people of the industry intend to take the exam of certification. However, many candidates have a little understanding about some basic problems such as registration, examination and training. We write this article to against the most asked also the most typical problems during quite a lof of enquiries received in the past. There're concrete answers to the questions of exam participants most interested in,so that everybody could have very clear insight of IT authentication. As more than half of certification exams are Cisco certifications at present, and other IT certification exams are also similar, so the following text will take the Cisco VCP-410 exam test for an example.

Chapter 1 Enrollment. Many friends have asked us in letters like where to enroll various IT certification exams, how many times for the exam every year, what time to test. For the IT Certification and Career Paths certification exams, we can tell you that you are free to decide examination time, like when can the test be. Why? This is from the structure of IT certification exams. We often say that the Cisco 640-802 certification mainly test the technical qualification of the Cisco staff, however, the Exam is not hosted by the company, which is entrusted to those Test Companies, such as Sylvan, VUE, etc. These companies have more than 100 test centers around the world. These centers contact with each other through the internet and the test results can spread to the entrustor. The cost of entrusting exams is very low to IT corporations so nearly all the IT certificate exams have been entrusted to Sylvan and VUE, both of which, at the same time, have been also entrusted with GRE, TOEFL, etc familiar to us.

The time of test is arbitrarily decided, because the centers have exams almost every day. The procedures of the N10-004 exam is as follows: firstly, you go to the test centers to registrate and choose the exam time. On the examination day, the exam center will load the exam questions for all the candidates including taking the exam, and it is enough to choose your exam questions. But some places where examinees are comparatively less would choose two days in a week for exams, and you have to refer to the center for the accurate examination time.

2. Training articles. When taking certification exam, whether it is demanded to take participate in training, which is an issue many friends are concerned about. We can give you definite answer here, training has nothing to do with 642-164 exam. Anybody even without any technical background can take the exam, certainly, for a negative result. As mentioned above, Sylvan exam center is a company specialized in the agent of holding exams in international arena, while the training center is the training institute authorized by related IT enterprises granting certifications.

However, because these two institutions are to take the form of an application to join, so the general training center in order to facilitate the examination also eligible to apply for the exam center. If you think you are weak, you had better attend the training class. However, you must remember that most training agencies just help you review the basic knowledge and it is very different for you to become an experienced person by the several days' training.

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